After some reflection on Sunday’s sermon about Jesus giving the better gift as our perfect high priest. I’ve decided to include five reasons why Jesus gave the better gift. Here it is.
1. He knows God better than we do. (Matthew 11:27) Jesus knows God the Father more intimately than anyone else in the universe. He knows exactly what He needs and wants in a gift. Not to imply that God needs anything, but the one who knows what God needs from us to be reconciled to Him, the one person who knows that better than anyone is Jesus.
2. Jesus knows how impossible it is for us to give the right gift. (John 2:24,25) We are stingy, resentful, poor, inconsistent, cynical, distrustful, and an even longer list of unpleasant things. Even at our best we are so limited by our shortsightedness and resourcelessness we haven’t a chance. Do we really think we could come up with a decent gift for the King of the Universe? I don’t think so. Who knows our nature even better than we do? Jesus. He hung out with us long enough to get more than just a taste of humanity. He knows we don’t have a chance to pick the right gift.
3. The only one who can afford this kind of gift would be Jesus the son of God. (2 Corinthians 8:9) A one time gift that would cover our debt to God is going to be an immensely expensive item. Apparently even Jesus had to voluntarily exhaust his resources (became poor) to be able to provide for such a gift.
4. Only Jesus had the access necessary to deliver the gift. (Hebrews 8:1) If a gift is given the gift must be delivered and not everyone can just walk into the inner courts of heaven and drop a gift. Jesus seems to be the right one given he came into the very center of the highest court in the universe and just sat down.
5. Jesus wanted to give a gift that would guarantee you would have the Father’s undivided attention. (Hebrews 9:11,12) Jesus had the resources and the ability to provide an airtight gift that would completely capture God’s attention. He took that gift, his own life, and placed it before the throne of God the Father Almighty for you.
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