After my “God can use stones” sermon, I’m sure that someone is saying, “But I’m not a stone. Can I be used with my gifts and abilities? The answer is, “Yes, of course.” As a matter of fact one should use their gifts and abilities (without pride, of course). Take a Miss America candidate who sees her beauty for what it is, a gift from God. She uses it to glorify God and bring good to humanity. A few years ago, Miss Wisconsin was such a woman. She viewed her beauty as a gift from God and wanted to use her position as a platform to encourage something that no Miss America candidate would ever have the guts to push, abstinence in relationships. She caught plenty of flack for it, but wasn’t bothered by it as she knew that it was all a gift. She used her time in the lime light wisely and continued to serve her community as best she could.
God places everyone in different places for different reasons. We have an opportunity through our gifts and talents to do some eternal good and we should do it. So does God work through our talents? Yes, He does. Work around our pride? Does God have to do that sometimes? Yes, He does. Can we let go of our pride? Yes, we can by realizing our gifts and talents are just that, gifts from God.
It helps keep everything in perspective.
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