I just heard today that the Sunday after thanksgiving is always a low performance Sunday and a high visitor Sunday. True, performance was down. Everyone seemed distracted and timid. My sermon was unfocused and we had several fumbles on the goal line from the participants. Fortunately for us few visitors braved the mild North Carolina air to come watch us stumble through the service. I realize that a worship service is not to be a performance, but it is still very disconcerting when the microphone doesn't come on for about 30 very long seconds. For a pastor that is a taste of eternity. Its frustrating when it takes two people another 30 seconds to figure out how to light the lighter to light the advent candle. You must admit that it steals away the serene, calmness of candle light and softly spoken scripture to watch two people wrestle with a bic lighter to find where the safety button is located.
The sermon was a different issue. I'm not sure why God does this to me. I finally figure out the impact point about 15 minutes before the service. True, it could be just my hard headedness. Not listening to the Holy Spirit and all, but then who knows maybe God likes to test my trust factor. I could use some clearer thinking earlier in the week. But on the week between Thanksgiving and the first Sunday of advent much of my time is spent thinking about turkeys and Christmas trees, not a lot for sermon application. Although I'm sure that plenty of sermon application material happens to me during that same time.
Next time we'll plan for advent during the summer. In North Carolina it feels like summer at Christmas anyway for us Wisconsin transplants so whats the difference between planning a Christmas service during 85 degree as opposed to 75 degree weather? Next time less Turkey and more Christmas tree maybe? Next time we'll just shut down after Thankgiving and not open up shop till New Years.
Happy New year ya'll.
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