Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Need for a King

A friend of mine was discouraged because he wasn't as "nice" as other pastors. He had experienced some difficulties in several of the jobs he had in the process of starting out in the ministry and was feeling like he could never be seen as a good pastor. I told him that he was a warrior, a term and image that is often used by scripture to describe God and His people. Warriors are not known for being "nice." They are known for determination, for pursuit, for great skill in the techniques of battle. They are know for getting bruised and bloodied, for coming home with their armor dented and dirty, for the desire to go out and fight again. There is a great scene in the movie "Blackhawk Down." Where after all of the bloodshed, destruction and loss of American lives, one of the soldiers who has been their a while, grabs his pack and weapons and heads back out into the chaos of the city, because that is what he does. He is a warrior.

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